Pongyang's New Communist Paper
It's called the LA times.
Barring the New York Times, this is the more outrageous non-sense I've seen printed in a major newspaper. Excuse me, a "North Korean Businessman"??? Is Mrs. Demick that stupidly naive? A businessman who calls himself "Mr. Anonymous"? His comments were personal? He says this: "We Asians are traditional people," "We prefer to have a benevolent father leader." Yea, let me go knock on my neighbor's door. I'm sure being a "traditional asian" he would prefer a "benevolent father leader" like Kim Jong Il any day over you know, a democratically elected one. You know, it's not like it's possible this "businessman" could you know, could work for the North Korean government... I'm sure all those people in the gulags really agree with him. "Yea, my benevolent father leader executed my son, ordered my wife raped, and condemned the next three generations of my family to life in the gulag. I just really love it here in North Korea..."
And the "businessman" continues : "Is there any country where there is a 100% guarantee of human rights? Certainly not the United States," "There is a question of what is a political prisoner. Maybe these people are not political prisoners but social agitators." Excuse me, but someone really believes this crap? This is communist propaganda right from the horses mouth and the LA times is eating it up like it's mommy's special recipe for apple cream pie.
While Westerners tend to stress the rights of the individual, he said, "we have chosen collective human rights as a nation…. We should have food, shelter, security rather than chaos and vandalism. The question of our survival as a nation is dangling." Wow. Anyone else here want to be on the "collective rights" boat? Jump right in, I'm sure the LA times will make room.
"There is love. (For the great "father leader") There is hate. (for anyone that speaks against the government) There is fighting. (In the gulags for food) There is charity… (Meaning, the government lets "businessmen" who kiss up to Kim Jong Il live). People marry. They divorce. (When their spouse gets labeled an enemy of the state) They make children (When the power's out for 18 hours a day)," he said.
Anyone who still subscibes to the LA times, now's the day to pick a new paper. The OC Register is an excellent choice for people in this area, or the Wall Street Journal is always an option.
Barring the New York Times, this is the more outrageous non-sense I've seen printed in a major newspaper. Excuse me, a "North Korean Businessman"??? Is Mrs. Demick that stupidly naive? A businessman who calls himself "Mr. Anonymous"? His comments were personal? He says this: "We Asians are traditional people," "We prefer to have a benevolent father leader." Yea, let me go knock on my neighbor's door. I'm sure being a "traditional asian" he would prefer a "benevolent father leader" like Kim Jong Il any day over you know, a democratically elected one. You know, it's not like it's possible this "businessman" could you know, could work for the North Korean government... I'm sure all those people in the gulags really agree with him. "Yea, my benevolent father leader executed my son, ordered my wife raped, and condemned the next three generations of my family to life in the gulag. I just really love it here in North Korea..."
And the "businessman" continues : "Is there any country where there is a 100% guarantee of human rights? Certainly not the United States," "There is a question of what is a political prisoner. Maybe these people are not political prisoners but social agitators." Excuse me, but someone really believes this crap? This is communist propaganda right from the horses mouth and the LA times is eating it up like it's mommy's special recipe for apple cream pie.
While Westerners tend to stress the rights of the individual, he said, "we have chosen collective human rights as a nation…. We should have food, shelter, security rather than chaos and vandalism. The question of our survival as a nation is dangling." Wow. Anyone else here want to be on the "collective rights" boat? Jump right in, I'm sure the LA times will make room.
"There is love. (For the great "father leader") There is hate. (for anyone that speaks against the government) There is fighting. (In the gulags for food) There is charity… (Meaning, the government lets "businessmen" who kiss up to Kim Jong Il live). People marry. They divorce. (When their spouse gets labeled an enemy of the state) They make children (When the power's out for 18 hours a day)," he said.
Anyone who still subscibes to the LA times, now's the day to pick a new paper. The OC Register is an excellent choice for people in this area, or the Wall Street Journal is always an option.
Hillary hasn't passed or even proposed any major bills that I can think of in here term in the senate so far. That's why I think she's ineffective, however, if you can produce something large that she's proposed or passed, I'm more than will to recend my comments.
As with Bush, I know everyone on the left has made it a point to call him "illegal" and "illegitimate", but the evidence for that seems to me lacking. Again, if you can produce something (not by the New York Times or an America hating international source) I'd be willing to reconsider.
Btw, thanks for posting :)
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